Athreyam Ayurvedic Hospital to be managed by Arya Vaidya Pharmacy Group, Coimbatore from 12th September 2018.
Athreyam Ayurvedic Hospital to be managed by Arya Vaidya Pharmacy Group, Coimbatore from 12th September 2018.Athreya Research Foundation Secratary and Trustee Shri. P. N. Chandran signed along with the Chairman of AVP Group, Dr.P. R. KrishnaKumar, an MOU on 29th August, 2018 at the Hospital Campus Tiruwilwamala to hand over the management of Athreya Ayurvedic Hospital, Thiruwilwamala, Pampady, to the Arya Vaidya Pharmacy Group, Coimbatore from 12th of September 2018.